Yoga & Relax

Yoga and Relaxation workshops

Discover gentle movement and train the mind to dialogue with the body, experiment with postures that resemble animals, gestures and new impulses, because yoga can also be fun and also suitable for children.

Yoga for Children

Yoga for Children is a beautiful game that brings great benefits: it improves posture, promotes the development of coordination, balance and helps concentration. But above all it is a fun and creative practice , which alternates play and body movement with moments of concentration and relaxation. Through the telling of stories, the use of curious objects, nursery rhymes, music, children are invited to enter asanas (Yoga positions) and to explore the breath, in a playful and non-competitive context. Led by Emanuela Intorre , yogi herself with a specialization in Balyayoga® practice . Om shanti!

Day : Friday
Timetable : 16.30-17.30
Age range : 4-7 years
Teacher : Emanuela Intorre

Day : Friday – VIRTUAL
Timetable : 17.40-18.40
Age range : 4-7 years
Teacher : Emanuela Intorre

Prenotazione: L’abbonamento non richiede la prenotazione.

Disdetta: per effettuare una disdetta potete inviare mail a o telefonare allo 02 36696950 entro 24h prima rispetto al giorno della prenotazione. 

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Malattie: si richiede, con particolare attenzione, di non portare bambini affetti da forti raffreddori, febbre, gastroenterite e sospette malattie esantematiche. Avvisare sempre le educatrici di qualsiasi caso di allergie, intolleranze o altro.